Up On Downs Hertfordshire

A parent run organisation which supports families of children with Down’s Syndrome.

About Us
Family support meeting 8th June 2024
Family support meeting 8th June 2024
Family support meeting 8th June 2024
DSi #AssumeICan video (some mild language)
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Up on Downs

Join us at Up on Downs for fun, fellowship and support on your journey with your child with Down’s Syndrome.

Up on Downs
Up on Events

Up on Events

Come together with families at our social get togethers, days out, parties and information events.


Up on Newsletters

Our newsletters give you more information about events and what we are up to.

Up on Newsletters
Up on speech and communication

Up on speech and communication

We run a program of subsidised speech and communication groups run by our trained co-workers

Up on who we are


We are a small charity run by fellow parents of children with Downs syndrome and supported by a active board of trustees

The Team
Up on who we are

Donate To Us

There are several ways of helping the charity

CAFEasy Fundraising